latest posts

Anthyllide in Rio Chagras Panama
New Horizons-- What’s in a Name?
When we bought our 38 foot sloop 17 years ago, we thought we had it all figured out– well, about what we were going to name it anyways. Everything else was still up in the air, but we thought we...
INTERVIEW with sail universe. Scott and Kim: “Sailing is another Chance to Reinvent Yourself”
In a previous life, Scott and Kim called themselves an engineer and an advertising rep. Since 2005, however, they’ve been fleeing corporate oppression and pondering the meaning of escapism. They left...
Introducing STB: We Had A Plan… Over the past year we have taken on more projects than we can honestly handle, but we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have always stayed pretty low...
Hurricane Matthew- Caught With Our Pants Down Part 2
Log – 10/5 Wednesday      We’re anchored on the north shore of the river in about ten feet. It feels so nice to be anchored, even though a killer hurricane is headed our...
Some Assembly Required
     Eleven years ago Kim and I were swept over by a bold vision. We were tired and bored to death with trying to hustle some kind of existence out of the padded walls of a “cubicle,” so we decided to...
Somewhere In Paradise
 It is 7:00am and we are both still laying in bed listening to the waves crashing on the reef in front of us. We have been out exploring with our snorkels, spearing fish and combing the beaches for...
Recyclers Of Dreams
Kim and I have combed through a lot of wreckage in our time. We’ve found wrecks washed up on beaches and discovered them tangled in jungle vines. We’ve found them torn open and soaking on tropical...
Escape From Panama
After spending two years in Panama and Colombia we thought it was time to move on. We had met some wonderful people along the way and the water exploration was phenomenal, but we were ready for a change....
Bigger Isn’t Always Better… .. .
One of the features that I loved about our boat when we purchased it is the 6 ft long salon table. I imagined having guests over for drinks and dinner in remote anchorages and having plenty of room to...
Danger In Paradise
Danger In Paradise Part 1
Following are our journal entries from the time we spent in the magical Vivarillos and Cayo Becerro off the coast of Honduras. We stopped at these isolated reefs on our passage from the Quita Sueno Banks...
A Place To Put Your Things
Everyone always told us to just go. You can work on projects underway. Cruising is just fixing your boat in exotic places. Well, we took some of that advice and after fixing the “major” stuff we took off...
Ep 6 Sailboat Refit – Dreams Vs Reality – Too Many Fumes   In this episode – Sailboat Refit – Dreams vs Reality – Too Many Fumes, we dive into what it was like to follow our dreams over a decade ago and show you what a day...
Ep 4 – Someting’s Missing — Island Life And Boat Tour In this episode – Something’s Missing – we share our experiences with wandering around tropical islands for years. We’ve been to a lot of populated...
Ep 5 Building The Joy Machine – A Dream Becomes Reality A cruising boat is a lot like a play-fort – a play-fort that can carry you to thousands of dreamy and unheard of destinations scattered all around the globe. Recently we’ve...
Ep 3 – Something’s Brewing – A Sneak Peak At Insanity In this episode – Something’s Brewing – we give you a sneak peak at the insane project we’re taking on and show you what it’s like sharing a ten...
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