We spent Halloween, Thanksgiving, Xmass, New Years, Valentines Day, Easter, and St. Patricks Day in The Yard.

Merci Beaucoup!!!

Our new neighborhood.

The crane arrives.

Down she comes.

All the neighbors pitched in to help us.

Happy Turkey Day!

The show must go on.

Re-upholstery 101

Morning walks were beautiful in the cow pastures

Stretching exercises on our morning walk

Yes it does get cold in Florida…..

….and Charlie experiences it first hand!

Charlie’s pal Byc the boat yard cat enjoyed bringing me presents while I was in the shower.
There were also reports of snakes, a rat, and even a cow paying visits to the girls bathroom.

Stardust my ass!

Oh S#%&!!!

Now for the other side.



I’m not going up or down this ladder anymore!

Strange encounters with Sweetpea and Nicky

Our new adventure begins on May 13th….

Ready for the big SPLASH!!

In good hands with Proctor, John and James.

Whuddaya know, she floats!

Adjusting the rigging at The Gator Hole.

Charlie learns how to make friends quickly on the water!